Imagine that:
You have just been told by your doctor that your child has or may have autism.
How did it feel?

Do it feels like your whole world has come to an end AND all the dreams and hopes you have for your child seem shattered.

This is exactly how many parent feel (including me) and it is a natural reaction to such devastating news.

Just to share what is autism all about....


Social Deficits: May show no interest in Peek-a-boo or other interactive games.

Communication Issues: May not communicate typically by verbalizing or pointing; instead they may "hand-lead" to the desired object. May have decrease eye-contact.

Bizarre / Repetitive Behavior:
Such as staring at ceiling fans for hours, spinning, rocking, flapping and flicking fingers.
Sensory: May have difficulty with clothing, noise, music, lights, smells, bathing and any new situation.

Self Injury Behaviors: May have bitting, head-bagging, ripping at skin and hair.

Some children may have Gastro-Intestinal Problems such as diarrhea, constipation, bloody stool, undigested food in stool, frequent vomiting and food sensitivities.

Motor Issues: May be unable to pick up small object, appear clumsy, have balance and coordination difficulties.

AUTISM is a "catch-all" word that is applied to a group of symptoms, some of which shown above. These occur in varying degrees depending on the individual child.

At one time autism was considered rare and hopeless but it is no longer true. Many children with autism, especially with early intervention, make considerable improvements and may even mainstream into regular classrooms.
